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我们的学徒计划机会可能是在数字和技术领域获得高薪和回报的职业生涯的起点, at one of the North West's leading tech businesses, with pathways available for:

  • Software Developers
  • Business Analysts
  • Data Analysts

在这一年中,我们招募并评估了一组经过挑选的学习者,他们能够表现出成为优秀软件开发人员的正确态度和能力, business analysts and data analysts, 虽然不需要以前的经验,但学习的意愿和自我学习的表现是成功的关键!

If selected, 你将被知名科技公司和品牌聘用,并在你选择的道路上接受4级学徒培训,最高可获得25英镑,000* whilst you're on the programme.


Apply now

* varies from employer to employer

Why choose an Apprenticeship?

Earn a good salary whilst you train - so no mounting debt!

Gain a nationally recognised and professional qualification

Learn and work alongside industry experts

Increase your chances of quicker professional progression

Who are our Digital Apprenticeship for?



Our programme could be perfect if you enjoy...

  • Problem-solving
  • Being creative 
  • Working as part of a team 
  • Working collaboratively 
  • Being solution focused 
  • Challenging yourself 
  • Working with technology to have an impact


This technical training programme will...

  • Kick start your career in tech
  • Provide an excellent route to up-skill or career change
  • Provide full-time employment with a tech employer
  • Give you a dedicated industry mentor
  • Support you with a learning and development coach
  • 提供最好的行业培训,由行业专家设计和交付 
  • 提供丰厚的培训薪酬和良好的未来收入潜力 

    Apply now
  • How does the Apprenticeship work?

    Applications are open annually between February and June.

    如果您的申请入围,我们将在5月/ 6月与您联系,进行简短的虚拟面试. 申请人将获邀参加于六月/七月举行的评核及遴选日.

    有关每个学徒途径的招聘和选拔过程的详细信息, please download a candidate guide below. 

    如果你成功地获得了这个项目的学徒职位, you will start employment and training in September or October.

    Assessment and selection

    Each pathway has its own recruitment and selection process. 然而,以下内容为您提供了对期望的关键元素的概述. Please see the individual apprenticeship pathways:

    • A team collaboration challenge
    • 技术挑战(不是测试你目前的能力,而是测试你的潜力和方法)
    • Meet the employers
    • Follow up interviews with employers for those selected
    • Job offers made and accepted
    • Officially join the apprenticeship programme.

    The programme


    You will undertake supported blocks of technical training, while you undertake paid full-time work with your employer. 在十大正规博彩网站评级你的雇主和团队之前,你将参加一个预备训练营(付费).


    As well as technical training, 你也将有机会参加额外的大师班, hacks, networking and industry conferences events.

    您将得到一位专门的导师和课程学习和技能教练的支持, 谁将在学徒期间定期与你和你的导师或直属经理会面,以支持你的学习并确保你的进步.

    On successful completion of the programme, 你将获得国家和行业认可的4级学徒资格. This is equivalent to a HNC.

    How much could you earn?


    在学徒培训项目中,薪水通常在1.8万英镑到2.4万英镑之间. 然而,这将因雇主通过该计划招聘的雇主而异.

    Once qualified, many of our apprentices receive a pay rise.

    Apprenticeship eligibility

    Each apprentice must:

    • Not be enrolled on another apprenticeship, or another DfE funded FE/HE programme, at the same time as any new apprenticeship they start;
    • 不被要求为学习或评估费用提供财政资助;
    • Not use a student loan to pay for their apprenticeship;
    • 有在英国工作的权利,并且在学徒期间至少有50%的工作时间在英国工作;

    AND be one of the following:

    • 欧洲经济区(EEA)内一个国家的公民(包括欧洲经济区内确定的其他国家或有双边协议的国家), or have the right of abode in the UK, 并且通常居住在欧洲经济区(包括欧洲经济区内确定的其他国家或有双边协议的国家), for at least the previous three years on the first day of learning;
    • 获得英国政府许可在英国居住的非欧洲经济区公民, (非教育目的)并且在开始学习之前至少在英国正常居住了三年.

    For further clarification on eligibility, please see page 84 - Apprenticeship funding rules and guidance for employers

    Compliments and Complaints Policy can be found here.

    Health and Safety Policy can be found here.

    Safeguarding Policy can be found here

    Ready to take the next step?

    If you think a career in software development, business analysis or data analysis could be for your, apply now.


    Apply now

    请在我们的兴趣登记簿上注册,我们会在下次候选人招聘窗口开放时通知您. Or keep checking back on our website for details and to apply.